Massage shouldn’t be reserved for special occasions. Rather, massage therapy is conducive to an overall healthy lifestyle. From treating stress to improving sleep to managing pain, here I explore the many ways massage therapy can play an active, beneficial, and empowering role in our health and our daily lives.
How to Go From Angry to Happy
Anti-Aging Benefits of the Facelift Massage
How Can Massage Therapy Benefit Seniors?
Bodywork and Massage from Around the World
Why You Should Consider A Biomeridian Test
What is a Biomeridian Test? Biomeridian testing (also called Electro-Dermal Testing) measures the electrical resistance in acupuncture points throughout your body to give insight…
Chronic Inflammation & Digestive Issues: The Gut/Brain Connection
If it seems likes almost everyone has some sort of digestive problem these days, you wouldn't be far off. From constipation, gluten sensitivity and…
Does Massage Work?
For decades, the majority of people have considered massage a luxury, a relaxing experience reserved solely for the occasional spa day. With the widespread…