I am so excited to announce that I will be hosting a dignity drive to…
Fight Human Trafficking, Part III: Join the Fight at Home

Sex trafficking thrives when it is hidden in the shadows.
This powerful quote comes from Exodus Cry, the amazing organization that is engaged in a nation-wide fight to end sex trafficking and heal its victims. And they’re right, human trafficking, while nothing new, exists in the shadows, operating within our communities and ruining the lives of those it victimizes. It will continue to thrive the less it is acknowledged as a crisis in our society. This is why we must band together to fight human trafficking in our communities, in our country, and eventually across the world.
Working Together with Local Organizations
So what can you do to fight human trafficking? There are a number of ways, but start by supporting organizations in your community that have established networks and resources that can help fight this fight effectively. Not sure where to start in your community? Explore this directory to find organizations in your own town. I’ve also laid out some Kansas City organizations as well as international ones.
Kansas City Organizations
National/International Organizations
Join Me on December 5, 2015
Another way to help fight human trafficking is to join me on my own personal crusade. I will donate all of my massage proceeds from Dec. 5, 2015 as well as $10 from all gift certificate sales during the month of December to Exodus Cry in an effort to stamp out human trafficking in Kansas City as well as help its victims, woman, man and child, receive the healing they deserve. Will you join me?
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