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Tension Headache Massage Therapy in Overland Park, KS

Tension headache massage is specialized therapy that can relieve tension.Headaches are a common yet disruptive malady, contributed to by our busy and stressful schedules. A massage can help relieve the pain and tension that accompanies a headache and lessen the frequency and intensity of the headache episodes.

Take charge of your health by seeking out massage for your tension headaches to reduce the frequency of episodes.

Treating Headaches with Massage

Available in a 60 or 90 minute session, tension headache massage therapy pinpoints muscles and pressure points that contribute to the tension.

Including myofascial release, stretching, trigger point therapy, reflexology and other massage strokes, this session is based on the results of a medical study which concluded that pain caused by a chronic tension headache can be alleviated with specific massage therapy treatments directed at cranial and cervical muscles.

3 Big Benefits of Tension Headache Massage

A Colorado medical study of chronic, non-migraine headache sufferers receiving massage showed marked improvement in the number of episodes they experienced. The number of tension headaches dropped by almost half the very first week of massage treatments. By the end of the four week study, the headaches had decreased in frequency even further. Based on this and other studies, tension headache massage has a number of benefits, including:

  1. Decreases frequency of tension headaches
  2. Increases overall relaxation
  3. Decreases anxiety related to headaches

Scheduling Your Appointment

Give your head some relief from headaches and migraines by getting regular massages. Suzanne provides specialized tension headache massage to clients in Overland Park and the surrounding Kansas City metro area. Schedule your session with Suzanne today!

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